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ASTR Online Archives

ASTR features a massive collection of digitized periodicals, books, meeting minutes, and more. This is the premiere place for doing research, though hardcore researchers are likely to lament some gaps in the collection (often because we lack copies of a each issue) as well as the rudimentary search tools.

EGW Writings

The Ellen White Estate has put her writings online as well as on a downloadable app - though the app can be buggy at times. Many people don't realize that they can create an account to save quotes and notes as well as search some "pioneer writings."

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Adventist Digital Library

The ADL has a sizable database of tens of thousands of periodicals, photographs, books, and videos - with more being added each year. It has superior search tools to ASTR, but most of the periodicals (at this point) are links to ASTR. Still, if your basic ASTR searches aren't yielding much or you want something like a photograph, try the ADL.

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This digital encyclopedia is a complete update to the printed one (1996), with articles researched and written by hundreds of members from around the world, making this a very global history project.

Other Places to Look

Google Scholar

African SDA History

Black SDA History

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